The name "704 Church" is a modern-take on the Biblical method for naming churches (Church at Thessalonica, Church in Philadelphia, etc.). We believe God has placed us as a church in this locale for the purpose of reaching the people of this locale, the 704! We believe that every man, woman and child living in the 704 is created for relationship with God and can experience that by following Jesus. And we believe that we've been placed here by God to reach them. Not only that, He calls them to follow Him just as they are. It's in following, becoming and doing that all people are continually formed into Christlikeness. 

follow, become, do.

Our Leadership

Lead Pastor Thaddeus Fennig

Thaddeus & his wife, Kristen, met in the summer of 2009 on the sunny beaches of Huntington Beach, CA. After they married in 2010, Thad spent two years in Residency training with Rockharbor Church, growing in church planting understanding, learning church theology, sitting with various church planters and leaders, and getting practical know-how in serving at their local Rockharbor campus.

After four months of prayer and discernment, they felt God calling them to plant Rockharbor Charlotte in Charlotte, NC. And so, in the fall of 2015, they packed up their life in CA and moved across the country to NC. After operating as a campus of Rockharbor for four years, Rockharbor blessed us to launch out independently as 704 Church as of July 1, 2020! We are so grateful for the patience, grace, and support Rockharbor has given towards our independence. Not only did they help us with the process, but they continue to walk with our leadership indefinitely to help us thrive as a church. 

Click here to view our story!

Contact Pastor Thaddeus

Pastor Erik von Husen

Erik and his wife, Chelsea, moved from northern New Jersey to Charlotte in March of 2018 after feeling God calling them down specifically for the church. They both quickly stepped into leadership roles within 704 Church and Erik joined the staff soon after as the role of associate Pastor. It was pretty clear from the start as to why God called them here and they continue to serve as an important part of this church body. 

Together, Erik and Chelsea lead 704 Groups ministry, which includes Life Groups, Alpha, and Alpha marriage. Erik runs the flow of Sunday mornings, as well as the Set up and Tear down team, and oversees the Hospitality team. Erik is also one of the Elders of 704 Church. Chelsea serves in Families ministry, the Hospitality team and provides support for Erik, as an Elder’s wife. 

Erik and Chelsea have two children, Brooke and Bryce. 

Contact Pastor Erik

Pastor Pat Hulsey

Pat and his wife, Terri, met in 2015 in Charlotte, NC. From a young age, Pat was called to worship and raise up worship leaders. In God’s perfect timing, they stepped into leading worship November of 2020 and Pat came on to staff as Worship Pastor shortly after. In January 2023, Pat took on the additional role as Youth Pastor.

With a large blended family, Pat and Terri serve with our Youth Group and have a heart to raise up the next generation to be on fire for God.

They have six children, Kalliope, Zane, Elliott, Miles, Rachel, and Ethan, active in 704 Kids, worship, and production.

Contact Pastor Pat

Church Staff

Our Elders

We believe that as an expression of the Church we must have the leadership of Elders. Elders serve in various capacities and are charged with sharing in the spiritual weight and responsibilities of leading and caring for the church.

These Elders, along with their wives, are the spiritual overseers of our church:

Thaddeus Fennig, Lead Pastor

George Martos, Treasurer

John Hartman, Chairman

Erik von Husen, Staff-Elder

Andy Baker, Secretary

Philip Diehm

As a church we are devoted to…


We are a kid-friendly and kid-heavy church! We strongly believe that the best is yet to come for the church, and the upcoming generations are a blessing and a responsibility to see them develop a personal walk following Jesus, as well as a unique gifting to be His church, using their gifts, passions, experiences for the furthering of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom here, now.


When Jesus called his disciples, when He stands at the door and knocks in Revelation, He doesn't first ask them to be a different type of person, he just calls. We see this played out within our church as people are in all walks of life, with diverse ideas of how to follow Jesus best. We don't require ourselves, or any guest that may want to visit to dress a certain way, love certain songs, or hold to any theological positions beyond our foundation that Jesus is God, we are sinners in need of saving, God made a way through the perfect sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ, and in His resurrection He is enthroned as King over all Kings and Lord over all Lords. 

The Holy Spirit

We are continually seeking to be receptive and responsive to the move of the Holy Spirit. We're receptive, waiting, expecting the Holy Spirit to move, to prompt, to nudge. And we seek to be responsive, changing things because of what the Spirit is doing in the moment. You'll see this come out in our worship and teaching on Sundays, as well as in our midweek Life Groups, Alpha courses, and our Youth Group. My (Thad) motto for preaching is that you prepare like there's no Holy Spirit, and then you preach like there's no preparation.